Decisions Of Extraordinary General Meeting

The company paperpack SA. disclose the following: On 21η December 2016, Wednesday at 11:00 am. took place at company headquarters in Kifissia, Attica, on the road Viltanioti 24, the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders. Στη συνέλευση παρευρέθηκαν αυτοπροσώπως or δι’ αντιπροσώπου seven (7) shareholders, sold shares representing 74,06% of all Company shares, i.e. 2.927.682 common registered shares with voting rights of members of all 3.953.090 common shares with voting, divided the total capital of the company. Having gathered the information required by law and the Company's quorum and majority, The Γενική Συνέλευση υπερψήφισε In μοναδικό θέμα of ημερήσιας διάταξης as follows: TOPIC 1o: The General Assembly decided unanimously, with 100% shareholders attending, by a majority of the votes validly cast and proportion 74,06% on the issued capital of the company (i.e. 2.927.682 shares, and 2.927.682 valid affirmative votes) the Version common bonded loan τριών millions πεντακοσίων χιλιάδων (3.500.000) €, with five (5) years, and maximum interest rate euribor 3 months plus spread 3,80%, in accordance with the law. 3156/2003 and εγκρίνει On Σύμβαση Κάλυψης Κοινού Ομολογιακού Δανείου and of Προγράμματος (Terms) and annexes of this minimum as follows: a) The type of loan you are Common Bonded Loan b) In ποσό of Δανείου will be three εκατομμύρια πεντακόσιες χιλιάδες (3.500.000) € c) The διάρκεια of δανείου will be for πέντε (5) years from the date of issue. b) The maximum rate of the loan will be set at Euribor 3 months plus spread – 3,80% Annually. D) The repayment will be made in 20 quarterly instalments, the sums, as well as the amount to be paid with the last installment on the loan maturity, be determined by the Board. company. e) Will provide collateral in favour of the representative on behalf of Bondholders Lenders, συνιστάμενες to : (i) σύσταση ενεχύρου επί μηχανημάτων, total value € 927.000,00 καθ’ όλη the διάρκεια of δανείου, (ii) σύσταση κυμαινόμενης ασφάλειας επί αποθεμάτων company total value ίσης με € 1.000.000,00 καθ’ όλη the διάρκεια of δανείου καθώς and to (iii) εκχώρηση λόγω ενεχύρου των απαιτήσεων company from the ασφαλιστήρια συμβόλαια των ανωτέρω μηχανημάτων until On αξία of Ενεχύρου € 927.000,00 and αποθεμάτων until total value of ενεχύρου € 1.000.000,00. In δάνειο will χρησιμοποιηθεί for On αποπληρωμή ισόποσου υφιστάμενου τραπεζικού δανεισμού company.

Περαιτέρω The Γενική Συνέλευση decided να παρασχεθούν and δια of απόφασής of παρασχέθηκαν οι σχετικές εξουσιοδοτήσεις προς the Board of Directors company, in order to determine, by decision of the specific terms of issuance of the loan, πλην εκείνων που αφορούν In ύψος and In είδος of δανείου, accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3 of the n ° 1. 3156/2003 and to appoint a representative who will sign the Contract Covering common bonded loan and program (Terms) and its annexes . . Details: Valid votes: 2.927.682 (i.e. 74,06% of the share capital and 100% shareholders attending) For: 2.927.682, Against: 0, Abstention: 0.

Kifissia 21 December 2016 the Board of Directors

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